Play Video about Transparent Poster

Wally hardtack

Long Story Shorts

Wally Hardtack – Arn Burkoff
Mayor Jim – Craig Woodward @craig.e.woodward
Denny – Tyler Schmoyer
Barbershop Trio – Dan Lidon @phillyhotboy,
Kevin Franklin @frankuhlin,
Alex Reinhard @director_afr.

Writer & Director – Alex
Reinhard @director_afr
Producers – Kris Mendoza &
Alex Reinhard
DP – Weston Fahey @westonfahey
Art Director – Kate Feher @feheraoh
AC – Joe Grasso @joegrasso.dp
Gaffer – Dan Lidon
Key Grip – Zac Camburn @zac_e_c
Sound Design – Max Morgan @maxmorgansound
Editor & Colorist – Rob Jennings
Post-Supervisor:- Jo Shen @joshen09
Miniature Set Design – Ali Reinhard @ketodelphia
Poster Design – Dan Lidon

This project was created as a meeting opener and energy builder for a Deloitte conference. The adage “form follows function” was what led to this approach as we were limited in time, budget and ability to shoot new footage. The final product was a result of creative problem solving and “working with what we have” which was a solid script and access to a library of apropos stock imagery. The video only utilizes still images that were treated in post production to inject motion and energy into the visuals.

1 Wally Hardtack Mosaic Final

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