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Print and Cut! – Conlin’s Copy

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Conlin’s Digital Print and Copy Center has been a family owned and operated company since 1980.  To help celebrate this legacy,  Maestro Filmworks dove right into the day with the team, capturing the vast spectrum of their expertise.  The company has been expanding quickly over the years and generations.  For us, that meant plenty of large machinery, intricate systems, and dynamic community interaction to capture.

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Check out the finished project and learn more!

Director: Jo Shen
DP: Weston Fahey
1st AC: Eurica Yu
Gaffer: Paul Bradburn
Art: Kate Feher
Sound mixer: Frankie Mills

Happy Birthday, Maestro Filmworks!



Photograph by Max Grudzinski

We are celebrating our thirteenth year as a full service production company and couldn’t be prouder of our team and our history!  Established in 2005, we’re proud to say our creative house is now a teenager!  Just so, we are ready to take on more of the responsibilities that accompany such a rank.  Maestro’s key initiative is supporting our local communities in education and art by using our resources to buttress their missions while honing our passions.  Most immediately, it is our collaboration with Stay True Philadelphia.  A seven-year long relationship so far, we are gearing up for another successful summer program teaching students photography through our subsidiary Philly Photo Studio.  It’s a fantastic way to kick off our 13th year, developing further as a leader of visual arts by supporting the promising young minds of our future.

DSC08342[ featured left to right: Kris Mendoza, Edward Cippola, Weston Fahey, Katie Feher, Joanna Shen, Andrew Czudak, Max Grudzinski]   Photograph by Max Grudzinski

   We’re also looking forward to rounding out the second half of the year with Philly-Forward creative content.  Extending from the corporate scene, we’ve set some creative goals toward features and shorts that will build on our pride for this city and its communities!  Be sure to tune in to the current manifestation of that: our ongoing Long Story Short program through Instagram @makelongstoryshorts

Happy Birthday, Maestro!


Long Story Shorts

Maestro Filmworks presents “Long Story Shorts,” a team creative endeavor with an aspiration to build awareness, experience, education, and exploratory traditions into our process.

LSS BTS 2Photograph by  Max Grudzinski

The parameters bracket a short film featuring up to two characters, one location, and one minute of thought provoking, digestible story-telling, all completed in one day and strictly for distribution on Instagram.

“There is an underserved audience on Instagram with an appetite for short form content that no one is really tapping into,” says Kris Mendoza, Executive Producer at Maestro. “Our aim is to produce fun, digestible short films and passively bring them to your feed for your viewing pleasure.”

KAT 1640Photograph by  Kate Feher

For Maestro, these exercises keep the creative juices flowing.  We invite you to witness our progress, as we showcase our projects monthly!  Shown above is a Behind the Scenes vignette into the world created by Max Grudzinski, a talented photographer working with Maestro across multiple platforms.  Here, he is flexing his Directing muscles for the first time, kicking off our series with gusto!