This short film is a thought-provoking homage to Isaiah Zagar’s ‘Skin of the Bride’ mural, slated for imminent demolition. The mural, created over the course of nine years, adorns the facade of the now abandoned building that once housed the Painted Bride – an alternative performance venue in Old City, Philadelphia. The Zagar’s fought for five years to preserve the mural, but in the end, the building was sold and an apartment building will soon stand in its place. Julia Zagar, the muralist’s spouse, eloquently recounts the mural’s genesis while raising fundamental questions about the value and preservation of public art.
Through a juxtaposition of archival imagery chronicling the Zagar’s creative process and contemporary footage capturing the mural’s final moments, we evoke an unforgettable emotional response that underscores art’s significance and societal reverence for human expression.