Sharing some recent work we just wrapped in the studio! Fun one to work on for BNY Mellon.
Big Ideas includes articles authored by BNY Mellon experts and content from respected third-party media sources. The pairing of our perspectives with current insights from external specialists makes Big Ideas a unique content experience.
The app is organized into four macro themes: Culture and Society, Investment Insights, Regulation and Risk, and Transformation.
Updated regularly, the free app allows you to access, download, share and recent thinking on relevant and timely topics.
Client: BNY Mellon
Agency/Production Company: Maestro Filwmorks
Producer/Director: Kris Mendoza
DP: Charles Morabito
Art Director: David Kellom
Editor: Ed Cipolla
VFX: Andrew Czudak
Gaffer: Gaetano Virgoglini
Key Grip: Steven Harrington
Actors/Hand Models: Brandon Wyche, Alan Bogusky, Noel Monzo, Emily Warweg
Music: Premium Beat
Studio: Philly Photo Studio